Friday 9 August 2013

Significance of `Eid Al-Fitr

Photo: आज पैगम्बर मोहम्मद साहब का जन्मदिन है. इस मौके को दुनियाभर में ईद मिलाद उन नबी के रूप में मनाया जाता है. आप सभी को ईद मिलाद उन नबी के लिए दिली मुबारकबाद.

Eid al-Fitr called feast of breaking the fast.It is a religious festival celebrated by Muslims World at the end of Ramadan. Eid is a single day festival and Muslims are not permitted to fast on the day.The exact day of celebration varies by locality.Eid al -Fitr has a Islamic prayer offered is an open field or hall.Muslims pay Zakat and fitra before offering the Eid prayers.
Eid al Fitr is the day of real  peace and happiness.It is the day to show that Islam is the way of tolerance,sharing ,peace ,brotherhood,,unity.happiness and humanity irrespective of religion identity.  Eid al Fitr is not only joy but it is day to share our feeling with others peoples who are living around us.This is our responsibility to maintain sweet friendship relation with all the community in our society.Share your feeling and gifts with friends and others who are neighbors to us.Social service programme should be encourage for social interest.