Sunday, 28 July 2013

Islam want peace not violence jihad

Islam want peace not violence jihad
An article by Mausan Ali 

The extremists created the religious madness. The religious madness created the violence. Raise your voice against religious madness. Do not become deaf and dumb.
****mousan ali***********

At least 100 Muslims Brotherhood members killed in Cairo on Saturday(27.07.13).The army said it was a result of an attack by president Mohammad Morsi's supporters.It was the worst mass killing in Egypt.Government claim that the number of dead was 65.
54 people were killed on 8 July 2013 in clashes outside a military facility in the Egyptian capital of Cairo and it was also a result of attack by ousted president Mohamed Morsi's supporters. It was so sad and very unfortunate.

Muslim Brotherhood is the largest political opposition organisation in many Arab states Founded in Egypt in 1928 as a pan-Islamic , religious, political, and social movement by the Islamic scholar and schoolteacher Hassan al-Banna. The Muslim Brotherhood had an estimated two million members. Its ideas had gained supporters throughout the Arab world and influenced other Islamist groups with its "model of political activism combined with Islamic charity work".The Brotherhood's credo was and is, "Allah is our objective; the Quran is our law, the Prophet is our leader; Jihad is our way; and death for the sake of Allah is the highest of our aspirations.Muslim Brotherhood believe in violence Jihad.
Muslim Brotherhood are exploiting and misguiding the peoples in the name of jihad. They created religious madness among the peoples especially common and poor peoples in the name of Islam. This religious madness created violence and many peoples killed. This type of violence is not good for country and nation. Islam never allow the violence. This is not jihad really.

Violence and mass demonstration continue in Egypt and there are dangerous divisions.There were the tragic deaths of more than 151 supporters of the Muslim Brotherhood. Egypt has entered a uncertain situation with the overthrow of Mursi .The most difficult situation facing right now there.Muslims Brotherhood refused to join in the new interim administration.The military's removal of democratically elected president Mohammad Morsi poses a seiroius challenge to democracy.A serious question come here in focus of Islamism or secular democracy.
Muslim Brotherhood has failed to established secular democracy. They were interested in Islamism and divided society.Now Muslims Brotherhood would like to blame foreign conspiracies.Muslims Brotherhood may need to respect secular democratic values,human rights and social justices.Egyptians need freedom,democracy, justices not Islamism or Islamic identity and so they revolted against Hosni Mubarak in January 2011.Islamism and the sharia can not provide food for poor or create any jobs or create any economic growth. It also never give freedom ,social justices.
The interim president Adly Mansour has announce a timetable with an elected parliament and president in nine months.It seems to be quiet difficult job.Egypt needs non violence social political change and it seems to be hard.
A peaceful political process should be started now to avoid more violence and blood in Egypt,Egypt needs peaceful cultural social democracy right
Nation may refer to a community of people who share a common language, culture,ethnicity , descent, or history. However, it can also refer to people who share a common territory and government (for example the inhabitants of a sovereign state) irrespective of their ethnic make-up; that is, a nation state.
Religion is an organized collection of beliefs,cultural systems, and world views cultural that relate humanity to the supernatural , and to spiritually.
A global 2012 poll reports that 59% of the world's population is religious, and 36% are not religious including 13% who are atheists , with a 9 percent decrease in religious belief from 2005. source.....Wikipedia
Nation and religion are quiet different each others. But it is very strange and unfortunate that the extremists , religious leaders,some religious political parties ,organisations believe in religion nation ideology which are absolutely wrong ideology.They propagating new conception of nationalism and religious theory which is a fundamentalism theory. The fundamentalist create fascism and dictatorship which will be violate freedom of speech and freedom of life. It will be violate the human right and decrease the growth of development. The country follow secular democracy and they are developed and peaceful nation.The country follow religious nation and there are lots of problems in religious base nation and poverty, terrorism, violence ,human right violence, injustice have been increased day by day in religion countries because religion poison everything. All religions are very old conception with full of misconception, prejudices ,dictatorship ,fascist ideology ,discrimination which divided the society and create lots of problems worldwide decline peace,economic growth and development in all aspect of societies as well as countries.
There are many religions, non religion communities live together in the world.Are there any nation or country where 100% of their people share the same religion beliefs?Today in modern life we need secularism ,democracy ,liberal values are the real strength of unity,peace,progress and prosperity.The reality and truth is that many religions but one nation country and this our strength,peace ,unity and development.
There are many religion countries and secular countries in the world. Some of the countries like Pakistan is a Islamic country,Nepal is a Hindu Rastra (country) and India is secular democratic country. Pakistan and Nepal have been suffering lot of problems. There are lot of poverty, violence, terrorism, violation of human right ,violation of freedom of speech and injustices etc. On the other hand countries which follow secular are much better in all aspect than religious countries.It is very unfortunate and sad that some organisation,extremists, political parties would like promote and sponsor religious country from secular country to religion country like India. The present revolution in Egypt is the great example that nation need secular democracy not religion law. Peoples do not want religion identity. They want food, pure drinking water, shelter ,education ,health ,economic growth, development, employment .peace and unity.They want modern life,freedom of speech and freedom of life not stupid ,fascist religion rules and regulations.
Lets see the picture in world. Today Pakistan. Honduras,Sudan and South Sudan,Yemen,Syria,Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia are most dangerous countries.
Global Peace Index (GPI) Survey 2013 has revealed that Israel and Asian nuclear armed foes Pakistan and India are among the most violent countries in the world.

The Global Peace Index (GPI), which is the world’s leading measure of global peacefulness produced by the Institute for Economics and Peace, has ranked 162 countries by measuring security in society, extent of conflict and degree of militarisation.

According to GPI survey, Afghanistan is the most violent country in the world with 162 ranking. It is following by Somalia with 161 ranking, Syria with 160 ranking, Iraq with 159 ranking and Sudan with 158 ranking.

The nuclear armed South Asian Muslim country Pakistan, which has been hit by militancy, has 157 ranking. “Israel has 150 ranking while Pakistan’s arch rival India has 141st ranking,
According to GPI survey Iceland, Denmark, New Zealand and Austria are top four peaceful nations in the world.

Now the question is that why these countries are more violent in nature. Poverty,unemployment and illiteracy are the most important factors here. Religious madness also play important cause here. Some peoples,religion leaders would like follow religion view in every aspect of society for their own interest. They force the common peoples and government to follow the pre modern religious concept in society and administration. They do not like modern education system in school .college and university.They always prefer pre modren religious madrasha education system and they are known as extremists.Sometimes they threatened the school, college students not to go there and they attack the students sometimes.The extremists can sacrifice their life in the name of God but they never follow God. They love jihad but they do not know the meaning of jihad.There are no freedom of life for common peoples who love peace and mankind.The common peoples are living with lot of problems in their daily life but unable to protest against the fascists. The government would like to compromise with the extremists for their narrow selfish interest.The extremists would like to abuse religion and create violence in society.In Islam Jihad means struggle against injustice.Jihad does not mean killing peoples.Jihad does not mean violence. Islam forbids killing any innocent human being.Allah says in the Quran whoever kills an innocent human,it is as if he has killed all mankind.

Gang rape, crimes against women, political violence, murder communal riots and others crimes are increasing day by day in the world. A lot of poverty, poverty in culture, poverty in education, absolute poverty in all aspect, corruption,inflation, unemployment ,malnutrition ,hunger and lack of basic need present in many country in world . peoples needs food ,employment and basic need for life not religion identity.. A religious identity and religious nation identity never give food, economic growth and development. But unfortunately most of the political parties are very busy and interested in religious politics. They feel so happy and comfort to tag religion with politics. Does it really good for society and peoples of countries. Does it solve the all problems or it will be create many problems? Definitely it will be dangerous for nation and it will be divide the nation and also against  peace unity ,development of the country.
All religion are basically same in nature and characters if we study in detail. Only the foolish can say that my religion and God are best. The aims of each religion are mankind and humanity. But unfortunately we do not achieve the goal of God and religion due to massive abuse of God and religion.It is true that there are prejudices, discrimination, a lot of controversy, criticism and pre-modern concept present in each religion . But we can easily avoid those prejudices,discrimination and criticism etc by applying the aims of God and religious concept which support mankind and humanity as per modern socio-economic situation.But unfortunately very few extremists and conservative people do not like to apply humankind and humanity for public and social interest.The extremists have been working against God and religion always only for their narrow self interest. They always created violence and terrorism in the name of God and religion.

The sharia is the moral code and religious law of Islam.There are a lot of criticism in sharia law. It is claimed that the sharia law goes against democracy,secularism ,freedom of speech and human right.There are also lot of debate about sharia law. On the other hand politics and religious faith are different each others. So it is very unwise to tag religious faith with politics. It will be better to avoid religious faith from the politics. But unfortunately Muslim Brotherhood and others Islamic organisation like to tag sharia law with politics and it create the critical situation.

Islam means peace and submission to one God and the belief that the sole purpose of our existence is to worship God. This submission gives great inner peace and purpose to its followers. Full acceptance of this, with the knowledge that every action one takes has a consequence in an eternal after life, has profound effects on one’s behaviour

The Holy Quran states in Chapter 3, verse 111: You are the best people raised for the good of mankind; you enjoin good and forbid evil and believe in Allah.”

The Holy Quran states in Chapter 4:37:
And worship Allah and associate naught with Him and show kindness to parents, and to kindred, and orphans, and the needy, and to the neighbour that is a kinsman and the neighbour that is a stranger, and the companion by your side,and the wayfarer, and those whom your right hand possess (employees). Surely, Allah loves not the proud and the boastful.

Islam want peace ,mankind Humanity not violence. Love peace, humanity, freedom of speech , mankind and make the world beautiful for everyone

Monday, 15 July 2013

By Mousan Ali

Egypt needs secular democracy.
Violence and  mass demonstration continue in Egypt and there are dangerous divisions.There were the tragic deaths of more than 50 supporters of the Muslim Brotherhood last Monday.Egypt has entered a uncertain situation with the overthrow of Mursi .The most difficult situation facing right now there.Muslims Brotherhood refused to join in the new interim administration.The military's removal of democratically elected president Mohammad Morsi poses a seiroius challenge to democracy.A serious question come here in focus of Islamism or secular democracy.
Muslim Brotherhood has failed to established secular democracy. They were interested in Islamism and divided society.Now Muslims Brotherhood would like to blame foreign conspiracies.Muslims Brotherhood may need to respect secular democratic  values,human rights and social justices.Egyptians need freedom,democracy, justices  not Islamism or Islamic identity and so they revolted against Hosni Mubarak in January 2011.Islamism and the sharia can not provide food for poor or create any jobs or create any economic growth. It also never give freedom ,social justices. 
The interim president Adly Mansour has announce a timetable with an elected parliament and president in nine months.It seems to be quiet difficult job.Egypt need non violence social political change and it seems to be hard.
A peaceful political process should be started now to avoid more violence and blood in Egypt,Egypt need peaceful cultural social democracy right now. 

Tuesday, 9 July 2013

Crisis of the Muslim world .

Egyptian Army soldiers patrol the streets outside Cairo University. PIC: AFP.

Crisis of the Muslim world .....An article by Meghnad Desai ..

There was the unrest in Istanbul against a non-secular government. Now there is a repetition of mass demonstrations in Cairo and the Army has taken it upon itself to remove a legitimately elected president. Was it because he was from a non-secular party or because unemployment and economic stagnation tipped the balance for the crowds in Tahrir Square?

The dismissal of Morsi is a setback for Arab Spring. Elsewhere in Syria, the civil war has now lasted two-and-a-half years with over 1,00,000 dead, chemical weapons used, arms flooding in financed by Saudi Arabia and Qatar for the Sunni opposition armies and from Hezbollah and Iran for the government (Shia) armies.

There is no end in sight. The Iraq experience has frightened off the US and UK from rushing in too quickly. Russia and China have stalled the Security Council. Lebanon is already being dragged into the war since Hezbollah is involved. Jordan and Turkey are receiving massive floods of refugees. Iraq with its Shia majority is playing along with Iran on Assad's side. Russia has supplied strategic missiles to Assad, which worry Israel. There is, for the first time in many years, a prospect of general conflagration involving the great powers in the Middle East.

There are two overlapping crises. The old, long-running saga of the demise of the Ottoman Empire has been alluded to in these columns. But, add to that the crisis of legitimacy, which has haunted the Middle East since 1973 when the Arab armies suffered their third and most decisive defeat at the hands of Israel. The region abandoned secularism and socialism as panaceas and turned back to religion. Sunni and Shia identities were reinforced; in Iran after the Khomeini revolution and in Saudi Arabia with the revival and international propagation of Wahhabism.

The revival of orthodoxy threw back the reform process in Islam which had been progressing for some decades. The other two Abrahamic faiths—Judaism and Christianity—have had their reform movements and continue to have their accommodation with modernity. The old texts have been reinterpreted and liberal values have been encouraged even in face of the old texts, which argue against liberal values. Thus misogyny and homophobia are being debated in Christian churches. The Scriptures are no longer held to be literal truths. There are some Creationists in the US but, by and large, the truth of Darwin's findings has been absorbed.

Not so in the recent revival in Islam. Here the literal truth of the text has been reaffirmed. There is an absence of the textual criticism to which the Bible has been subjected. The challenge of modernity has been met by its rejection and insistence that nothing has changed and the word of God is literally true as it always was.

But orthodoxy, however sound theologically, is no help in coping with the challenges of modernisation and globalisation. Jobs have to be found, incomes have to be earned, education is vital, especially for women. The luxury of a medieval lifestyle, which keeps women under wraps, unable to participate in modern life, is no longer affordable. Some Arab countries have had oil as a cushion for a while. But as we see from the anxiety in Saudi Arabia and Oman, local youths who are unemployed and unskilled need jobs and the immigrants who were useful for doing the dirty work are no longer affordable.

The Taliban wants to shoot women who go to school and the al-Qaeda is no better. This way half the population is confined and lost as an asset to the nation. But when oil is no longer enough to sustain a medieval lifestyle at the current price of $100, how will the countries cope when the oil price collapses, thanks to shale gas, to $50 and lower? The countries without oil are already struggling and hence the riots all over the Middle East and the Maghreb.

The war will take many more lives over many more decades before we see any real reform. But then Europe did the same, except that it was centuries ago. Islam has come to the task rather late in the day.